Our new paradigm of integrated applications for Industry 4.0
Improve delivery reliability by 40%
Improve production efficiency by 20%
Reduce manufacturing waste by 30%, improve your customer service!
Reduce warehouse management
processing time by 40%
Reduce the Time To market by 30%
Un network di soluzioni per la fabbrica digitale
L'articolo del Messaggero Veneto dedicato a Tecnest.
L'azienda si racconta attraverso la voce del Presidente Fabio Pettarin parlando degli obiettivi...
Where there is production, by definition there is also room to improve processes, first and foremost in terms of efficiency and performance. Where in...
We are going towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, thanks to the agreement between Tecnest and Eurotech, a leading supplier of smart devices and...
A new international challenge for Tecnest thanks to the business partnership sealed with one of the most important manufacturer of polymer...
Pieffe Union, a company specialized in manufacturing wooden components and profiles for the furniture industry, chose the J-Flex MES solution...
Since 1987 Tecnest helps growing many manufacturing company in multiple industries, thanks to its competence on production processes and its J-Flex application suite.
More than 25 years of experience and 300 customers in Italy and in the world, gave us the opportunity to develop projects and solutions for different companies and several manufacturing industries.
Per offrire il miglior servizio e le migliori competenze nell’ambito Supply Chain abbiamo dato vita a Tecnest Academy, un percorso di formazione nato con l’obiettivo di trasferire competenze e cultura sulle tematiche di pianificazione e gestione della produzione.
A strong attention to professional growth, education and training and knowledge sharing in the Supply Chain Management field
Our J-Flex implementation projects in Europe and in the world. To answer our customers' needs in a global market.
TECNEST S.r.l. - Reg. Imprese di Udine, C.F. e P.IVA 01534200306 - Iscr. C.C.I.A.A. - Udine R.E.A. 179349 - Cap. Soc. 31.200,00 Euro i.v.
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