On the October issue of Woode, Bellotti, Tecnest customer working in the Wood industry, explains the main objectives, steps and benefits of the new J-Flex information system, implemented by Tecnest.
The article describes the different project's stages which included the implementation of the J-Flex Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for data collection and monitoring and, later, the set up of the Warehouse Management System (WMS), both synchronized in real-time one with each other.
In the future Bellotti will also introduce the APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) Module of the J-Flex suite.
The article highlights how, thanks to the J-Flex solution, Bellotti had the opportunity to improve its production process efficiency, by assuring an overview on the business processes and coordination among the different product divisions.
For more information on this project please read the article on the magazine"Woode" (available also in English).
TECNEST S.r.l. - Reg. Imprese di Udine, C.F. e P.IVA 01534200306 - Iscr. C.C.I.A.A. - Udine R.E.A. 179349 - Cap. Soc. 31.200,00 Euro i.v.
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