We are happy to announce that we moved to our new HQ offices in Tavagnacco (UD)!
Our new address is:
Via Nazionale 130/C
33010 Tavagnacco (UD)
ph. +39.0432.511550
fax. +39.0432.508725
A new milestone in our 27-years history, which moved us UP, bringing a new idea fo the working space.
The new Tecnest HQ has, in fact, been conceived as an open meeeting space, both for the employees and for the external stakeholders (customers, partners, etc.).
The new offices have been built in order to enable information sharing and team work and and there are large meeting rooms where the Tecnest Square cultural events and trainings will take place.
From the top of the new technological building in Via Nazionale, we are happy to start this new adventure, looking at new horizons!!
We look forward to meeting you in our new Headquarter!!
TECNEST S.r.l. - Reg. Imprese di Udine, C.F. e P.IVA 01534200306 - Iscr. C.C.I.A.A. - Udine R.E.A. 179349 - Cap. Soc. 31.200,00 Euro i.v.
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