A Business Process is is a collection of related , structured activities or tasks that aim to produce value through the transformation of resources in outputs for company's internal or external stakeholders.

The implementation of a software solution such as an information system or an ERP, aims to support existing business processes. Therefore, an information system is, first of all, a mix of complex processes to manage which, you need a specific software solution.

For this reason, knowing business processes is crucial when implementing a business software solution.

Aware about that, Tecnest has always invested in know-how concerning operational business processes' issues, particularly in the manufacturing sector. These are also called "Operations".

Tecnest's more-than-25-year experience in operations management provided our consultants with deep knowledge opf amnufacturing processes. This knowledge, together with specialized software solutions, give a concrete answer to all supply chain and operations management needs in a manufacturing company.

In the diagram above, Tecnest's main competence areas in terms of business processes, are highlighted. The competence concerns both Consulting services and software solutions included in the J-Flex suite.

The highlighted processes, even if belonging to different functional areas, are all part of the "Operations" field.