The new Smart Factory Console of FLEX for Industry 4.0 is a role-based web application for data collection and production process monitoring and to manage and analize the data and information collected from industrial machinery, operators and products within the Factory 4.0.
The Smart Factory Console has an easy-to-use role-based graphic interface, developed for an easier and more immediate use and presents a robust system, rapid exection performance and a set of features compliant with Industry 4.0 paradigm.
The Smart Factory Console works as a hub for the information collected by machines and operations through Tecnest factory applications.
All collected data integrate with the information collected by Tecnest APS, MES e OPM solutions within the FLEX for Industry 4.0 environment. A complete and integrated universe of data and information is then available for data analysis, thanks to the application's analytics features and the role-based dashboards.
According to priciples of Human-centered manufacturing, new Social & Collaborative Manufacturing features has been implemented in order to create a real-time connection among different company functions.
Through the FLEX for Industry 4.0 Collaboration Hub and its features for real-time (chat, screensharing, etc.) or delayed (FAQ, forum, document sharing, etc.) content exchange and for the coordination of communication (kanban board, scrum, report, etc.), internal and external operators involved in the production process, can easily visualize, publish, share and manage information and data about processes and activities.
According to Industrial Internet of Things paradigms, all the data related to production time, quantity, orders or issues are communicated through the FLEX for Industry 4.0 new IoT gateway which connects and integrates machines, sensors, devices, automation systems and physical items.
These data are gathered in the Smart Factory Console, the main place where interaction and collaboration activities between the operators and the other production items take place.
TECNEST S.r.l. - Reg. Imprese di Udine, C.F. e P.IVA 01534200306 - Iscr. C.C.I.A.A. - Udine R.E.A. 179349 - Cap. Soc. 31.200,00 Euro i.v.
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